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Graduate Council

How to Bring a Recommendation, Idea, or Question/Concern to Graduate Council

For Members of Graduate Council

On every Graduate Council agenda, there is a category for New Business. Any Council member may introduce new business by making a motion from the floor at this time. When a motion has been made and seconded, further consideration of the motion will be postponed until the next regular meeting of Council, unless the Chair calls a special meeting to consider the motion before then.1

A motion is a formal proposal by a member that Council take a certain action. If a Council member wants an issue to be considered but does not have a specific recommendation to implement, the member should make a motion to refer the matter to Committee so that the issue may be carefully investigated. The Committee will then make its recommendations in the form of a motion for Council to consider and vote on.2

Handling of a Motion3:

  1. A member makes a motion.
  2. Another member seconds the motion.
    1. According to Council’s Standing Rules, after this step further action is postponed until the next regular meeting of Council.4
  3. When the motion is to be considered, the Chair states the question on the motion, placing it before Council for action.
  4. Council members debate the motion.
    1. Graduate Council generally allows for one or more session of debate on the motion before it is put to a vote, in order to allow Council members time to consult with their unit.5
  5. The Chair puts the question to a vote.
  6. The Chair announces the result of the vote.


For Non-Members of Council

Graduate Council is a representative body of all Graduate Faculty at the University. Graduate Faculty members are invited to share their concerns with the Graduate Council members who represent their unit. Only members of Council may introduce new business to Council.6

Any member of the faculty, administration, or graduate student body who is not a member of Council may request to address Council on any item of business already before Council. This request must be made in writing, through the Secretary to the Council, at least four business days before the meeting at which the individual wishes to speak.7 The Chair will consider the request and will notify the submitter of his or her decision at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

At the discretion of the Chair, any member of the Board of Trustees, faculty, administration, student body, or staff who is not a member of Council may request to address Council to make comments and recommendations for the good of the graduate community. Requests must be made in writing, through the Secretary to the Council, at least four business days before the meeting at which the individual wishes to speak.8 The Chair will consider the request and will notify the submitter of his or her decision at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

1 Standing Rules of Graduate Council, Article I, Section E, 2.

2 Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised 12th Edition, 466.

3 Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised 12th Edition, 28-56.

4 Standing Rules of Graduate Council, Article I, Section E, 1.

5 This is usual practice, but is not formalized in the Standing Rules.

6 Standing Rules of Graduate Council, Article I, Section E, 5.

7 Standing Rules of Graduate Council, Article I, Section E, 4.

8 Standing Rules of Graduate Council, Article I, Section E, 6.

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