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Graduate Faculty at a Glance

Graduate Faculty at a Glance

The Graduate Faculty population of each college/school offering graduate programs is calculated annually on October 31 to determine the proportional representation of each unit to the Graduate Council. The following statistics present an overview of the landscape of Graduate Faculty membership across the University from the last analysis on October 31, 2023.

Appointment Type Graduate Faculty Members
Tenure-Line 2,619
Non-Tenure-Line 479
Total 3,098
Contribution Type Graduate Faculty Members
Research Degree Programs Only 1,685
Professional Degree Programs Only 307
Both Research and Professional 1,106
College/School Graduate Faculty Members
College of Engineering 459
College of the Liberal Arts 454
Eberly College of Science 314
College of Agricultural Sciences 285
College of Medicine 252
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences 204
College of Health and Human Development 188
Capital College 176
College of Arts and Architecture 170
College of Education 164
Smeal College of Business 162
College of Information Sciences and Technology 64
Behrend College 53
Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications 39
Great Valley School of Graduate Professional Studies 36
Ross and Carol Nese College Nursing 36
University College 26
School of International Affairs 16
Campus Graduate Faculty Members
Abington 3
Altoona 17
Beaver 2
Behrend 56
Berks 11
Brandywine 3
Dubois 5
Great Valley 36
Greater Allegheny 1
Harrisburg 172
Hazleton 3
Hershey 220
Lehigh Valley 1
Mont Alto 5
Schuylkill 1
Scranton 3
University Park 2,411
Wilkes-Barre 2

Related Resources

Graduate Faculty Decision Tree

Graduate Faculty Nomination Evaluation Committees (GFNECs) and Criteria (coming soon)

Graduate Faculty Membership - FAQs

Graduate Faculty Search (GPMS)

Graduate Bulletin

How to Participate as a Non-Member

Membership Policy and Nomination Procedure

GCAC-101 Graduate Faculty Membership

P1 - Nomination to Membership in the Graduate Faculty

Approval to Teach Graduate Courses Procedure

P2 - Approval to Teach 500- and 800-Level Courses



This page was generated on July 2, 2024 at 11:52 PM local time. This may not be the most recent version of this page. Check the Penn State Graduate School website for updates.