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Graduate Council Committees

Executive Committee


It shall consist of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, and Secretary; the chairs of the Committees on Academic Standards, Committees and Procedures, Fellowships and Awards, Programs and Courses, Program Review and Evaluation, Graduate Research, Graduate Exhibition, and Graduate Student and Faculty Issues; the liaison member from the University Faculty Senate Council; the Dean and the Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School; plus at least three elected faculty members from the Graduate Council appointed by Graduate Council and one graduate student appointed by the Graduate and Professional Student Association from the elected graduate student members of Graduate Council. The Chair of Graduate Council chairs this committee.


  1. Provide advice and counsel as requested by the Chair.

2023-2024 Membership

  • Robert Bannon, Secretary of Graduate Council
  • Kathy Brasier, Chair, Committee on Committees and Procedures
  • Andrew Cole, Chair, Committee on Academic Standards
  • Kenneth Davis, Immediate Past Chair of Graduate Council
  • Levon Esters, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School
  • Gabriel Ricardo Lara, Graduate Student (Graduate and Professional Student Association)
  • Susan Loeb, Chair, Committee on Graduate Exhibition
  • Esther Obonyo, Chair, Committee on Program Review and Evaluation
  • Amber O'Shea, Assistant Professor of Education (College of Education)
  • Anirban Paul, Chair, Committee on Fellowships and Awards
  • Jan Reimann, Chair of Graduate Council, Chair
  • Michael Robb, Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders (College of Health and Human Development)
  • Mary Shenk, Chair-Elect of Graduate Council
  • David Vanness, Chair, Committee on Programs and Courses
  • Michael Verderame, Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School
  • Kent Vrana, University Faculty Senate Council Liaison
  • Emily Weinert, Chair, Committee on Graduate Student and Faculty Issues
  • Yang Yang,Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (College of Medicine)
  • Ming Xiao, Chair, Committee on Graduate Research
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