Frequently Used Queries

Search frequently used queries below

Type What information it will give you? Query Name
Advising Returns a list of advisees per advisor and term. Need adviser ID. PE_AA_ADVISOR_ROSTER_BY_TERM
Doctoral Committees Returns a list of active students in which faculty served as a committee member. Need faculty PSU ID. PE_XX_G_COMMITTEE_ACTIVE
Doctoral Committees Returns a list of students (both active and previous) in which faculty served as a committee member. Shows the committee role of the faculty. Need faculty PSU ID. PE_XX_G_COMMITTEE_HISTORIC
Doctoral Committees Returns a list of active students per faculty who serve in the role of chair. Need faculty PSU ID. PE_XX_G_COMM_PRMY_SUPRVSR_ACTV
Doctoral Exams Returns individual committee results for the exam PE_SR_G_DXM_RESULTS
Doctoral Exams Returns a list of committee members who have not entered their individual rating after five days PE_G_DXM_DOC_EXAM_INPROG
Doctoral Exams Identifies students who have a Special Member on their committee PE_XX_G_CMTE_ACTIVE_SPCL_MBR
Doctoral Exams Returns a list of doctoral exams where the chair evaluation hasn’t been completed five or more days after it becomes available to the chair PE_G_DXM_CHAIR_EVAL_INPROG
Doctoral Exams Returns a list of special members who have not returned their exam results to GES five or more days after the date of the exam PE_G_DXM_SPCLMBR_EVAL_INPROG
Graduation Returns master's culminating experience milestones for your academic plan for students on the current graduation list. PE_SR_G_GRDTN_CULM_MLSTN_ANY
Graduation Returns a list of your students who have GPA below 3.0 and are on the graduation list. PE_SR_GRDTN_LOW_CUM_GPA
Graduation Returns a list of your students who have DF/NG/F/D or blank grades for the current semester and are on the graduation list. PE_SR_GRDTN_INC_FAIL_GRDS_CURR
Milestones Returns milestones by student PSU ID. PE_SR_GRAD_MILESTONES_ACTIVE
Milestones Returns current and historical data similar to PE_SR_GRAD_MILESTONES_ACTIVE PE_SR_GRAD_MILESTONES
Doctoral Committees Returns a list of active and previous students per faculty who serve in the role of chair. Need faculty PSU ID. PE_XX_G_COMM_PRMY_SUPRVSR_HIST
Advising Returns a list of your students and their advisers (not by semester term and no active links) PE_AA_STDNT_ADVR_ASSGN_BY_PLAN
Advising Returns a list of students and their advisers by College. This will return many records and should be used only by program staff who need this information to complete their work. Links to the Student Advisor page to make updates and entries. PE_AA_STDNT_ADVR_ASSGN_BY_PROG
Advising Returns a list of your students and their advisors by semester term. Links to the Student Advisor page to make updates and entries. PE_AA_STDNT_ADVR_ASSGN_BY