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GRADS Workshops Q&A

Test Scores

Q:    How often do test scores come in?

ETS sends the Graduate School GRE scores 1-2 times each week and TOEFL scores once each week. The scores are uploaded within a few days of arrival. As soon as they are uploaded, the scores are viewable in GRADS.

Q:    How do we handle issues where the students enter scores but the official scores are never received?

At most, official scores should take a few weeks from the date they are requested. After that time, check for issues with the student information as entered on the application and compare it to the information entered on the test scores.Often, names are mismatched so the scores are not reported on the correct PSU ID.

Q:    For GRE scores, do we accept a sealed envelope?

Scores should come directly and electronically from ETS. If there is a unique circumstance, you are able to enter scores into ISIS from a verified hard copy, but the Graduate School prefers the direct, official, electronic upload.

Q:    Do GRE and TOEFL scores automatically populate the application when the official scores are received?

Yes, GRE and TOEFL scores are automatically added to the application record when the scores upload as long as the names and dates of birth, etc., match.

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Q:    Why does GRADS keep opening up new tabs?

We do this to avoid the long time required to reload a list of applicants. This decision can be revisited, especially if most programs adopt the applicant list caching feature.

Q:    Before granting a faculty member access, is there a check to see if they passed FERPA?

If you request GRADS access for that faculty member, access will not be granted unless the FERPA requirements have been met. Your department’s ASR can tell you whether the faculty has passed FERPA.

Q:    Is there an upcoming training session for new users?

Yes. GES and Network Operations provide training to new GRADS users once each semester.  Additionally, both GES and Network Operations provide individual training. Network Operations also provides on-site training on an individual basis.

Q:    Why is the Ethnicity field in the XLS always blank?

This information is restricted intentionally at Penn State. You can view ethnicity on an individual basis in the data warehouse or you may request ethnic data from the appropriate college Multicultural Leader.

Q:    Are notification emails logged to show which were sent?

GRADS email notifications are not currently logged.

Q:    Can GRADS send a mass email to students not accepted into the program?

No, GRADS does not send refusal emails to applicants. Programs are responsible for notifying refused applicants of this decision. The Mass Refusal feature in GRADS only updates applicant statuses to GRREF. This status is then reflected in both the student system/mainframe and GRADS. 

When an applicant views the Status Page of the application, that page alerts the applicant that a decision has been reached regarding his/her admission; it does NOT inform the applicants that they have been refused. The graduate program must still notify the applicants of this decision.  The graduate program may use GRADS to filter the list of applicants to return only those who have been refused admission, essentially creating a contact list. A list of email addresses and/or physical addresses may then be exported to be used in correspondence. 

Q:     When does GRADS notify an applicant directly?

Programs may use GRADS to create and send pre-formatted, program-created email to applicants regarding missing application materials. These emails are sent to applicants automatically. The program must select the appropriate email and physically click on the “send” button.

Q:     Can we access an applicant's email address to notify them that they have not yet paid?

Reminders for unpaid degree applications are automatically generated by ISIS after 21 days and again in 45 days. As per the dean's policy, unpaid application detail cannot be accessed through GRADS.

Q:    How can we send notifications for multiple missing pieces of information? For example, when both GRE's and TOEFL's are missing, can we send the GRE and TOEFL-related notifications at the same time?

You may only send one notification at a time; however, you may set up various types of notifications that cover multiple circumstances, such as both GRE and TOEFL scores missing or GRE scores and resume missing, etc.

Q:    How are available application semesters defined?

You may establish the starting and ending semesters for application acceptance. Fall, spring, and/or summer can also be individually removed from this specified range.

Q:    How are the cached applicant lists distinguished in the local database?

The cached applicant list is distinguished by program and campus.

Q:    How can we merge the applicant lists with our existing offer letters?

Download the applicant lists as XLS to merge with any others.

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Q:    Can applicants change their physical address as well as their email address?

No, currently applicants cannot change their physical address. Requests to update a physical or mailing address should be submitted to

Q:    What documents can an applicant upload after submitting?

Anything that is required but missing. Missing documents are uploaded on the applicant status page.

Q:    What changes can an applicant make after submitting?

Applicants may only supply missing program-specific requirements, such as answers to the program-specific questions and the missing documents as described above. 

Q:    Can there be a second email address in the application? Most applicants provide their college email and cannot be reached after graduation.

We recommend that applicants forward their college email or provide a permanent third party address. Applicants can now change their email address from the status page.

Q:    What happens to program-specific information when the applicant switches programs?

Program-specific answers still exist in the system but are not accessible because they do not match those of the other program.

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Q:    What action should be taken when program contact receive a bounce-back notification from an invalid reference email?

Contact the applicant so he/she may update the reference email address.

Q:    How is the total number of permitted references set?

Programs determine how many references are required and enter this number in GRADS.

Q:    Can different degrees require a different number of references?

No; currently GRADS does not differentiate between degrees. Therefore, it is not possible to require different numbers of references dependent upon the degree specified. It would be simplest to require the same number of references for all the degrees in your program. 

However, you may instead choose to provide space for the greatest number of required references and specify the minimum number needed. (For example, provide three slots for doctorate candidates, but require only two if the master’s degree needs only two.)  If you choose to use this method, you will have to manually manage whether or not the references have all come in for your doctoral students as GRADS is only looking for two references.

Q:    Do references require an email address?

Yes. All reference-related business is done electronically via email so an email address is required.

Q:    Do references still receive their email when an application is unpaid?


Q:    Can Network Operations remove a reference from the application?

No. References who do not wish to serve as such must communicate with the applicant so the applicant may remove that referee and add another in his/her place. 

Q:    From whom is email to references addressed?

Email to references comes from the contact person for that applicant's program, as defined in the Graduate Program Management System (GPMS).

Q:    How can applicants manage their references?

Applicants may do the following actions with references:
- Send up to 50 reminders.
- Change/Edit limited reference information - for instance, to fix a typo in an email address or name - but only if the reference has not yet logged in.
- See which references have been finalized.
- Deactivate references who do not respond.
- Add new references.

Q:    What are some reasons that a reference is never completed?

-Applicants give the wrong email for a reference.
-The email with the reference's login information is filtered out as junk mail so the reference does not realize a request is pending.
-The reference fills out the form, but does not finalize the submission.

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Q:    Will I have to take the FERPA quiz to access GRADS? If so, when?

Yes, all GRADS users are required to meet the FERPA requirement. Access will not be granted to faculty or staff who do not meet the FERPA requirements. If you require access to GRADS to perform your job, you should meet the FERPA requirements as soon as possible.

Note: The Registrar’s Office sent a reminder to faculty who had not yet met FERPA requirements, alerting them that they had until August 1, 2013 to pass the FERPA quiz.  Faculty who did not meet this deadline had restricted access to eLion, impacting grade entering, accessing courses and the ability to view advisee lists. 

Q:    Where can I get more information on the FERPA requirement?

The Registrar's Office is tasked with FERPA compliance and has established a series of web pages dedicated to FERPA information. Additionally, the Registrar’s Office has a FERPA FAQ web page.

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This page was generated on July 4, 2024 at 8:21 PM local time. This may not be the most recent version of this page. Check the Penn State Graduate School website for updates.