P2 - Graduate Assistantships with IUGs, Internships, or Outside Employment




No special procedures are required for internships that meet the parameters defined in the guidance.

Outside Work

A request for an exception to be granted may be made by a completed Variable Rate Form accompanied by a formal memo indicating the rationale for the exception. The memo must indicate the support of 1) the student's advisor; 2) the student's graduate program head (cc Administrative Coordinator), the assistantship provider (if not the student's adviser or graduate program) and the college /school administrator for graduate education. Please include the following information:

  • Student name and PSU ID
  • Detailed rationale regarding the need for student to maintain outside employment
  • Details regarding how the student will successfully be able to participate in a 1/4 time appointment, including both course work/research, and assistantship activities, while undertaking outside employment
  • Documentation from employer (e.g., offer letter)
    • Must include number of hours student is expected to work each week, pay rate, dates of employment

The memo and documentation from employer must be included as a single PDF with the Variable Rate Form submitted to the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration through the appropriate College Teams folder. The college's Administrative Coordinator for Graduate Education is the individual responsible for submitting on behalf of the college.

IUG Students

  1. For students enrolling in 9-12 credits, please send a memo requesting approval for the appointment to the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration (gsfellowships@psu.edu). Please include the student’s plan of study for the semester(s) of the assistantship, including i) which courses will be enrolled on the undergraduate transcript, ii) which courses will be enrolled on the graduate transcript, and iii) which courses will count toward the graduate degree.
  2. For students enrolling in 12-14 credits, please send a memo requesting approval for the appointment to the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration (gsfellowships@psu.edu). Please include a completed Variable Rate Form and the student's plan of study for the semester(s) of the assistantship, including i) which courses will be enrolled on the undergraduate transcript, ii) which courses will be enrolled on the graduate transcript, and iii) which courses will count toward the graduate degree.

Further Information

GUIDELINES: Guidance for Graduate Assistantships with IUGs, Internships, or Outside Employment

Revision History

Approved by The Graduate School, February 15, 2024.