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To allow Schreyer Scholars to create individualized integrated undergraduate-graduate degree programs.

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Academic Goal

To recognize Schreyer Scholars often have unique and exceptional educational goals, and therefore are granted the opportunity to create a custom integrated undergraduate-graduate degree program which best fits their learning needs.

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All Schreyer Scholars.

Policy Statement

  1. The Graduate School, by special exception from the Dean of the Graduate School, offers Schreyer Scholars the opportunity to integrate any existing Penn State baccalaureate degree program with any existing Penn State master’s degree program in a continuous program of study culminating in both a baccalaureate and a master’s degree. A Schreyer Scholar who is granted IUG status will have dual enrollment in an undergraduate program and in a master’s program.
  2. Some credits earned as an undergraduate may be applied to both degree programs.
  3. The graduate thesis or other graduate culminating/capstone experience (including associated credits and/or deliverables) may not be double-counted toward any other degree. If the thesis or culminating/capstone experience is recognized as meeting requirements for the undergraduate degree, it will not be recognized and cannot be used to meet requirements for the graduate degree.
  4. Schreyer Scholars must adhere to the Graduate Council guidelines for IUG programs when constructing their individual IUG programs, including those related to timing of admission. (See GCAC-210 Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate (IUG) Degree Programs).

Further Information

The Schreyer Honors College has established procedures for Schreyer Scholars who wish to explore this opportunity. Refer to Schreyer Honors College Integrated Undergraduate/Graduate Programs.

Revision History

  • Adapted from Graduate Bulletin: June 2018
  • Updated 8/28/2017