Icon illustration of a check list with one box checked


To describe the expectations for graduate student conduct and adjudication of allegations of violation of the Code of Conduct.

Icon illustration of a circle with a portion of it cut out as representing scope


All graduate students.

Icon illustration of document on a clipbloard


Policy Statement

  1. By virtue of their maturity and experience, graduate students are expected to have learned the meaning and value of personal honesty and professional integrity before entering graduate school. Every graduate student is expected to exhibit and promote the highest ethical, moral, and professional standards as scholars, and as future faculty, professionals, and leaders in their respective fields. Meeting this expectation is a component of satisfactory scholarship for graduate students, in addition to meeting academic standards such as, but not limited to, minimum required grade-point average or grades in required courses for the program.
  2. A violation of ethical, moral, and/or professional standards is regarded as a serious offense, raising grave doubt that the graduate student is worthy of continued membership in the J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School community, and may result in academic sanctions including suspension or dismissal by the graduate program in which the student is enrolled, from that academic program, and/or by the Fox Graduate School from continued or future enrollment in any graduate program at the University.
  3. A violation of ethical, moral, and/or professional standards may not necessarily involve Code of Conduct behavior, but still may result in academic sanctions including suspension or dismissal by the graduate program and/or the Fox Graduate School, as described above. However, engaging in any Code of Conduct behavior, as determined by the Office of Student Conduct, does constitute a failure to exhibit and promote the highest ethical, moral, and professional standards expected of graduate students, and may result in additional sanctions as described above, in addition to any disciplinary sanctions by the Office of Student Conduct.
  4. Nothing in this policy is intended to constitute a contract or contractual terms. No provisions of this policy shall confer contractual rights upon any parties. To the extent that this policy may be applicable to faculty or staff, the terms outlined herein do not constitute terms, benefits, or conditions of employment. The terms set forth herein are subject to change unilaterally and without notice by University administration.

Further Information

AD102 Consensual Relationships

Revision History

  • Adapted from Graduate Bulletin: June 2018.
  • Revisions proposed by the Graduate Council Committee on Academic Standards and approved by Graduate Council, February 2013.
  • Revised by special Ad Hoc Committee on Student-Related Polices, August 2005.
  • Approved by Graduate Council, February 2003.
    • New policy.
  • Editorial revisions to reflect the new name of the Fox Graduate School, July 19, 2024