P2 - Expedited Review Process for Limited Off-Campus Course Offerings



  1. The graduate degree-granting campus completes the Expedited Review Process for Limited Off-Campus Course Offerings form (PDF). The following information must be provided on the form:
    • delivery location;
    • course(s) to be offered;
    • faculty members scheduled to teach each course;
    • a statement documenting the availability of library, technology, and other required resources;
    • the intended students;
    • a timeline for course offerings (specify the semester[s] to be offered off-campus); and
    • in the case of courses offered off-campus as part of a postbaccalaureate/graduate credit certificate program, a statement indicating how current and prospective students will be informed that taking these courses does not constitute acceptance into, or the delivery of, a degree program.
  2. The graduate degree-granting campus shares the Expedited Review form with all relevant curricular groups at the campus/college (e.g., college curricular affairs committees, executive councils, etc.).
  3. Signatures of the department/division head and college/school dean or appropriate administrator are obtained.
  4. The signed form is submitted to the Office of the Dean of the J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School.
  5. The signed form is reviewed by the chair of the Committee on Programs and Courses and the Dean of the Fox Graduate School/designee. Within ten days of submission, the proposing campus will receive a response.


Expedited Review Process for Limited Off Campus Course Offerings Form

Revision History

Approved by The Graduate School, Aug. 30, 2018

Editorial revisions to reflect the new name of the Fox Graduate School, July 19, 2024