April 2024

Greetings students,
The past few weeks have been beyond exciting for me as I near the end of my first year as dean of the Graduate School. At several major, annual Graduate School events, I met and spoke with so many talented students and alumni. Hearing your stories and seeing your accomplishments energizes and inspires me every day.
At the end of March, I attended the Graduate Exhibition and the Penn State Three Minute Thesis (3MT) final round for the first time. Being a part of these events and seeing our students’ great research and scholarship from students in so many different disciplines is certainly a highlight of my time as dean. As I walked among the students at the Graduate Exhibition on March 22 and then listened to our 3MT finalists on March 23, I could see and feel their passion. It was clear that they devoted so much time and effort into representing both themselves and Penn State at the highest level. It was an honor to hear all eleven finalists compete at 3MT, just as it was to talk with so many of you throughout the Exhibition. As I told our 3MT finalists, it makes me proud to be dean of the Graduate School at Penn State and to know I’m working every day to support and advocate for brilliant students. The research and scholarship showcased at those events will change lives and communities in many impactful ways.
After those events, I had the opportunity to join the Graduate School Alumni Society (GSAS) in two important celebratory events. First, we welcomed back doctoral alumni who received their doctorates ten, twenty-five, and fifty years ago, and their lifelong accomplishments were inspiring. Later, we honored four distinguished alumni at our annual Graduate School Alumni Awards ceremony. These alumni — Julie A. Cerrito, Melanie R. McReynolds, Scott Michael Robertson, and Vivian Briones Valenty — have all represented Penn State in a way that we can all be proud of.
Earlier this semester, I shared an important message on the the reciprocal relationship between graduate education and research and scholarship, and I’d like to reiterate that. I believe a vibrant and strong graduate education enterprise is crucial to the status of a Research 1 institution and aligns with the overarching goal of increasing expenditures for research and creative scholarship. Graduate students help shape the research and scholarship output of an institution, yet the interdependence between graduate education and research is not always acknowledged. That relationship is a critical one in my eyes, and I hope you’ll take the time to read my longer message if you didn’t get the chance to earlier this semester.
I will be hosting one final Coffee Chat with the Dean this semester on April 18 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in Kunkle Lounge with leadership from the College of Engineering, and all graduate students are encouraged to attend to share your input. Try to attend to share your ideas and let me know what is top of mind for you.
My academic success tip for you this month is to cultivate your leadership skills. You’re not here just to get a degree, graduate, and get a job somewhere afterward. Your graduate education is about developing your skills and talent, and it takes practice to do that. Take any opportunity in front of you: lead a club, organize an event, serve on a committee. Every leader adopts a different style, and you will need to identify what works for you through trial and error. Figuring out effective ways to lead and collaborate with others is a skill that will pay dividends the rest of your career.
As always, if you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas, please don't hesitate to contact me at graddeansoffice@psu.edu. Your input is valuable, and I'm here to listen.
Let's make the end of this semester a success together!

Levon T. Esters, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Fox Graduate School
The Pennsylvania State University