March 2024

Levon Esters photo

*The below was an email sent to all graduate students on March 13, 2024 titled "The Reciprocal Relationship between Graduate Education and Research and Scholarship."

Greetings Graduate Students,

As the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School, I'm pleased to address you for the first time regarding the critical role of graduate education at our University and its relationship with research and creative scholarship endeavors. Our graduate education enterprise stands as a cornerstone of our university's academic pursuits, and I am excited to serve as the lead ambassador to help ensure that our University community understands the transformative impact graduate education has on our institution's research and scholarship landscape.

Recently, I sent a message to our Graduate Faculty emphasizing the reciprocal relationship between graduate education and our university's research endeavors. Now, as I broaden my communication to the University community, I urge you, our graduate students, to help amplify the significance of graduate education in shaping our research and scholarship ecosystem.

Graduate students like you are not just recipients of knowledge but active contributors, collaborators, and innovators within our research teams. Your efforts enrich our scholarly pursuits, elevate our academic profile, and serve as tangible evidence of the value and impact of graduate education. As such, I encourage you to reflect on the pivotal role graduate education plays in our institution and share your experiences widely, illuminating the interconnectedness of research and scholarship and graduate education.

Together, let's champion the vibrancy of our graduate education programs which help in attracting top-tier talent, fostering intellectual curiosity, and solidifying our position as a leader in cutting-edge research.

The Reciprocal Relationship Between Graduate Education and Research and Scholarship

A vibrant and strong graduate education enterprise is crucial to the status of a Research 1 institution and aligns with the overarching goal of increasing expenditures for research and creative scholarship. Graduate students help shape the research and scholarship output of an institution. Yet, the interdependence between graduate education and research is not always acknowledged. If discussions surrounding graduate education are explicitly linked to research and scholarship endeavors, should not discussions of research be explicitly and deliberately linked to the pivotal role played by graduate education? At a Research 1 institution, we cannot conceive of one without the other. Graduate students engage in innovative projects, collaborate with faculty, and often play a central role in groundbreaking research and scholarship. Beyond their central role in the vitality of the institution’s research efforts, the key role graduate students play in mentoring undergraduate students who work on research projects and their significant contribution to undergraduate teaching and learning underscore the importance of having a robust graduate education enterprise at a Research 1 institution. This active involvement bolsters and elevates the institution’s reputation for academic excellence.

Furthermore, a robust graduate education program attracts top-tier faculty and students, creating a talent pool that fosters a culture of intellectual curiosity and scholarly achievement. This, in turn, positions the institution as a hub for cutting-edge research and scholarship, and a leader in its field.

The success of a Research 1 institution is also closely tied to its ability to secure funding for research and scholarship. A strong university-wide graduate education enterprise not only attracts funding but also ensures that research endeavors are carried out by a skilled and motivated workforce. As the institution's research reputation grows, so does its ability to secure increased research expenditures.

In addition, the research mission of our university is deeply intertwined with the quality of the professional degree programs we offer. Through cutting-edge research, our faculty members remain at the forefront of their respective fields, continuously advancing knowledge and understanding. This research directly informs and enriches the curriculum of our professional degree programs, ensuring that students receive an education that is not only comprehensive but also innovative and relevant to contemporary challenges. By incorporating research findings into their teaching, faculty members provide both undergraduate and graduate students with insights into the latest developments and methodologies in their fields, preparing them to excel in their future careers. Additionally, engaging in research projects alongside faculty members allows students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Thus, the integration of research into our professional degree programs plays a pivotal role in equipping our students with the skills and expertise needed to thrive in their chosen professions.

In summary, recognizing the reciprocal relationship between graduate education and research and scholarship foregrounds the centrality of graduate education to the life of a research institution. A vibrant graduate education enterprise enhances the research prowess of a Research 1 institution, attracting talent, fostering a culture of excellence, and ultimately contributing to the institution's ability to secure and increase research expenditures.

I encourage you to reach out if you have suggestions about the statement above and how we as a community can help raise awareness of the importance of graduate education within Penn State.

Best regards,

Levon T. Esters, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School


Signature of Levon T. Ester

Levon T. Esters, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Fox Graduate School
The Pennsylvania State University