Welcome to the graduate education community at Penn State!
The J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School is excited to help you support students as they navigate their graduate education journeys. We partner with graduate programs and the Graduate Council, a faculty governance body, to collectively support graduate student success across the University. Your role is important in this ecosystem of support!
Here are some tips to help you get started.

Make sure you have been added to the Graduate Program Management System (GPMS)
When you are added there, you will receive information from the Fox Graduate School, including reminders, procedure updates, tips for helping students, and more. It also gives you access to the Graduate Education Resource Portal, which contains a wealth of how-to guides and information to help simplify your job.

Get to know the different Penn State systems you will be using
Graduate education processes and procedures use a different series of systems, and this can be confusing at times. We know that you have other responsibilities in your career in addition to graduate education, so we have developed Graduate Education Resource Portal to help you with more information.
View Systems and How to Request Access
Get to know Graduate Education policies, processes, and procedures
Academic policies are developed by the Graduate Council, and administrative policies are developed by the Fox Graduate School. Together, we partner to make sure graduate programs understand what policies all graduate students must follow, so we can support them throughout their academic journeys.
View Graduate Education Policies
Reach out to the Fox Graduate School if you have questions!
There are several teams and offices in the Fox Graduate School that may be able to answer your questions.
Fox Graduate School Contact Information