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Thesis, Dissertation, Performance and Oral Presentation Deadlines Calendar

Important deadlines for summer 2024, fall 2024, and spring 2025

The following deadlines are for theses, dissertations, DMA performances and DEng, D.B.A., Dr.P.H., and DNP final oral presentations only. Students writing master's papers should contact their plan of study for deadlines.

Deadlines by semester SU24 FA24 SP25
Apply to graduate in LionPATH 6/14 9/10 1/27
Submit doctoral dissertation for format review 6/3 10/1 2/3
Submit master's thesis for format review 6/3 10/1 2/3
Pass doctoral defense* 6/14 10/8 2/21
Submit final thesis or dissertation and supporting materials 6/26 11/1 3/24
Pass final performance (DMA students only) 6/26 11/1 3/24
Pass final oral presentation (DNP, DEng, D.B.A., and Dr.P.H. students only) 6/26 11/1 3/24
Committee members to approve final thesis/dissertation 7/5 11/8 3/31

*Questions about the doctoral dissertation defense should be directed to Graduate Enrollment Services (814-865-1795). Students with questions regarding the master's thesis defense should contact their plan of study.

More information about Commencement is available on the Graduate School website.

This page was generated on July 2, 2024 at 9:32 PM local time. This may not be the most recent version of this page. Check the Penn State Graduate School website for updates.