Submission Procedure
Steps for Thesis or Dissertation Submission
These are the steps necessary to submit a dissertation or thesis.
Quick Summary
1. “Apply to Graduate” in LionPATH
2. Complete your format review
3. Schedule your defense
4. Upload your final submission
5. Get committee approval
6. Get J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School approval
After you have finished your submission, you have completed your thesis/dissertation requirements. Depending on your embargo status, theses and dissertations are released to the University Libraries approximately one week after your degree is awarded.
Note: regardless of your embargo status, your abstract will be publicly accessible.
Helpful Resources
Copyright and Your Thesis or Dissertation
A guide provided by the University Libraries that addresses many copyright questions.
Letter of Certification
An official document verifying that you have completed all degree requirements by your expected graduation date.
Office of Technology Transfer
Any dissertation or thesis that includes Penn State intellectual property must include an invention disclosure number that is provided by the Office of Technology Transfer.
Tech Tutors
Offers personalized technology assistance that can help students overcome technical challenges.
Thesis and Dissertation Handbook
Requirements and guidelines for the preparation of Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations.
Thesis and Dissertation Payment Portal
Thesis and Dissertation Submission Flowchart
Use the flowchart from the Thesis and Dissertations Handbook to stay on track.
Contact Us
Office of Theses and Dissertations
115 Kern Graduate Building
University Park, PA 16802