Penn State students enrolled in Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate (IUG) degree plans must follow specific enrollment instructions to ensure there are no impacts to their student records or student aid.

As an IUG student, you should do the following each semester:

  • Contact your undergraduate adviser and your graduate program to discuss your enrollment plans.

  • Enroll in both undergraduate and graduate courses using the guidelines below.

  • If applicable, complete a semester report (or ensure that your program completes this) so the Graduate School can ensure your student records are accurate.

Enrollment Quick Reference Guide

Course Level Degree course is counting toward How to enroll in the course
Undergraduate (001-499) GRAD degree only Enroll in LionPATH Student Center under GRAD enrollment appointment
Undergraduate (001-499) UGRD degree only, or both UGRD and GRAD degree Enroll in LP Student Center under UGRD enrollment appointment
Graduate (500 or 800) GRAD degree only Enroll in LP Student Center under GRAD enrollment appointment
Graduate (500 or 800) UG degree only, or both UGRD and GRAD degree No online enrollment. Must submit the Undergraduate to take 500 or 800-Level Course Form

Semester Reports

Semester reports must:

  • be submitted by graduate programs to Graduate Enrollment Services
  • be submitted by the end of the current semester for students who are not graduating
  • be submitted within the first two weeks of the graduating semester for graduating students

Financial Aid Implications for IUG Students

IUG Student Enrollment Guidelines

  • For undergraduate courses that will only count toward the undergraduate degree (001-499): Register online using undergraduate enrollment appointment.
  • For undergraduate courses that will only count toward the graduate degree (400-499): Register online using graduate enrollment appointment.
  • For undergraduate courses that are shared and will count toward both degrees (400-499): Register online using undergraduate enrollment appointment.
  • For graduate courses that will only count toward the undergraduate degree (500 or 800 level): Register using the Undergraduate Student to take 500 or 800-Level Course form (below). Do not register online.
  • For graduate courses that will only count toward the graduate degree (500 or 800 level): Register online using graduate enrollment appointment.
  • For graduate courses that are shared and will count toward both degrees (500 or 800 level): Register using the Undergraduate Student to take 500 or 800-Level Course form (below). Do not register online.
  • DO NOT enroll in the same course on both the undergraduate and graduate enrollment appointments.

Career Swap Form

In the event that a student does not follow the appropriate sequence of courses and enrollment guidelines listed above and places a course on the wrong academic career, changes to the student’s aid amount or the student’s aid eligibility may occur. In order to adhere to the enrollment guidelines and switch the course to the correct career, students should use the IUG/Joint Degree Career Swap form (below). This form can have academic and financial consequences and therefore should only be used after the student consults with his/her adviser and Student Aid representative. The Swap form cannot be used for prior semesters.