There are many ways to fund your graduate education at Penn State. Graduate students work primarily with their graduate program, college, or campus to find funding opportunities. Graduate students most commonly find support through assistantships, which are awarded by graduate programs. Other funding options include fellowships, traineeships, scholarships, loans, employment, and student recognition awards. Students should work with their academic program to inquire about funding opportunities.
Funding Resources
Find scholarships and grants to support your graduate education.
Student Aid for Graduate and Professional Students
Eligibility and tips for graduate students from the Office of Student Aid.
International Travel Grants
Funds maintained by Penn State Global to support travel related to internationalizing education and research opportunities in any discipline.
Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal
Tips and guidance for writing funding proposals for projects that provide worthwhile social service.
Graduate Student Recognition Awards
Annual University-wide awards that honor and celebrate students' academic achievements, outreach, community impact, teaching, and more.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Explore your maximum student aid eligibility by completing the FAFSA annually.
Direct all questions about funding opportunities to your graduate program coordinator or faculty adviser. If you aren't sure who to contact, search for your program on the Graduate Bulletin to find contact information.