October 2023

I hope October finds you well and that you're settling into the fall semester with confidence.
Getting to know students through our Coffee Hour with the Dean series has been incredibly informative for me. I have met with close to 75 students so far, which means I have roughly 13,925 more graduate students to go! These candid discussions offer you a chance to share your graduate school experiences, concerns, and successes. Your input helps us advocate for all graduate students at the University. If you haven't attended one yet, consider joining us:
Coffee Hour with the Dean
- Date: Monday, October 16
- Time: 4:00-6:00 p.m.
- Location: Kern Building Lobby (semi-private area)
- Advance registration requested
This month, I want to emphasize the value of networking, especially within Penn State's vast alumni network, the largest in the world! Networking can uncover job opportunities, career paths, mentors, and resources. A great tool for this is LionLink, open to all Penn State students, connecting you with our extensive alumni network of 775,000 members worldwide.
In a few days, we're hosting a live-streamed career development discussion featuring five Graduate School alumni who have excelled in various sectors. Don't miss it if you're exploring multiple career paths:
Keeping the Door Open: Exploring Academic and Non-Academic Careers after Graduate School
- Date: Thursday, October 5
- Keynote and Fireside Chat: 4:30–6:00 p.m. (112 Kern Building and Live Streamed)
- Networking Reception: 6:00–7:30 p.m. (Kern Building Lobby)
- Business casual attire
Lastly, a valuable piece of advice:
In the world of graduate education, the concept of a 'dumb question' simply doesn't exist. This is a critical mindset to adopt because, in your academic journey, seeking clarity and understanding is not just encouraged, but essential.
Imagine this: I often humorously remind people that my Ph.D. isn't in mind reading. While we, as educators and mentors, are well-versed in our disciplines, we can't magically deduce your questions, concerns, or uncertainties. This is where your role comes in. Asking questions is your superpower. It's the key to unlocking knowledge, resolving doubts, and making the most of your graduate experience.
Now, I understand that it can be uncomfortable to ask questions, especially when you feel like you should already know the answers. This feeling is entirely normal. Graduate school can sometimes make you question your expertise, but remember, nobody knows everything. The pursuit of knowledge is precisely what graduate education is about. It's about expanding your understanding, exploring uncharted territories, and becoming an expert in your chosen field.
The beauty of graduate education is that you're not alone in this journey. There's a vast network of individuals dedicated to supporting you throughout your time at the University. Professors, advisors, fellow students, and administrators—all are here to ensure you feel confident and thrive in your academic pursuits. Don't hesitate to reach out to them. They are eager to help, guide, and mentor you.
So, embrace your curiosity and don't shy away from asking questions. Remember, it's a sign of your commitment to learning and growing. Every question you ask takes you one step closer to becoming the expert you aspire to be. You're not just a student; you're a scholar, and curiosity is your compass in this exciting academic journey.
In closing, I would love to hear from you. Reach out to me at graddeansoffice@psu.edu or feel free to stop by one of my coffee chats.


Levon T. Esters, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Fox Graduate School
The Pennsylvania State University