<p>Family and friends of former Penn State graduate student Lovisa Arnesson-Cronhamre have established the Be More Lovisa Graduate Student Scholarship in Physics in the Eberly College of Science.</p>

New graduate scholarship to honor Lovisa Arnesson-Cronhamre

<p>Households were more likely to relax a vaping ban if someone in the family vaped or smoked or if their teen did not know that there was a vaping ban, according to a new study led by Penn State researchers.  </p>

Understanding what helps families with teens maintain household vaping bans

<p>A new experimental method allows researchers to dissect how certain proteins, called pioneer factors, can bind to selective regions of the genome that are inaccessible to other DNA binding proteins. The approach was developed by a team of researchers at Penn State.</p>

Genomic pioneers collaborate to access the inaccessible

<p>David Rábago, MD, has been named co-director of Penn State CTSI’s Translational Science Fellowship (TSF) program. The TSF program seeks to identify and develop promising medical and doctoral graduate students, with a wide variety of research interests, and across departments and campuses, who are interested in translational research.</p>

Co-director of Translational Science Fellowship named

<p>From yoga and meditation to teaching tips and skills for international students, graduate students are invited to participate in a variety of virtual and in-person opportunities that will provide support and guidance both inside and outside of the classroom this upcoming week.</p>

Graduate Student Event Digest, Sept. 10-17

<p>The Penn State College of IST offers nine integrated graduate-undergraduate degree (IUG) programs. Vinayak Jayaprakash, a fifth-year IUG student pursuing a master's degree in informatics, hopes to encourage more students to follow his path.</p>

Internships and IUG program key to IST student’s career goals

<p>Graduate students who want to share their perspectives on graduate education at Penn State — and connect with graduate education leaders in an informal setting — are invited to join Levon T. Esters, vice provost for graduate education and dean of the J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School. Each monthly chat is co-hosted by a different college, and students from all programs can attend any discussion.</p>

Graduate students invited to coffee chats with the Fox Graduate School Dean

<p>The Penn State School of International Affairs (SIA) welcomed the class of 2026 to the Lewis Katz Building on Aug. 23 for an in-depth orientation that included essential academic and administrative information as well as time for community-building and camaraderie. Through the day’s events, students build a foundation for success at SIA and beyond as they begin their journey toward a global career.</p>

Penn State School of International Affairs welcomes class of 2026

<p>Josh Conroy, a third-year master of architecture student in the Department of Architecture, Stuckeman School, was named the winner of the department's 2024 Corbelletti Design Charrette. More than 210 posters were submitted for the competition this year, which marked the 35th year of the architecture charrette.</p>

Corbelletti design award goes to architecture master’s degree student

<p>Ram Neupane, a doctoral student in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, received a $10,000 research award given by the Storkan-Hanes-McCaslin Foundation.</p>

College of Ag Sciences doctoral student wins national foundation award

<p>Penn State art history doctoral candidate Kyle Marini, who was recently named a 2024 McNeil Center Fellow and a 2025 Marilynn Thoma Predoctoral Fellow of the Art of the Spanish Americas, applies interdisciplinary approach to reconstruct Andean art’s ancient past. </p>

Art history doctoral candidate works to reconstruct Andean art’s ancient past

<p>Twelve Penn State alumni will be honored for their outstanding professional accomplishments and named Alumni Fellows, the most prestigious designation given by the Penn State Alumni Association.</p>

Twelve Penn Staters honored with 2024 Alumni Fellow Award

<p>Using butterfly and shrimp sight as inspiration, researchers in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science developed a metasurface, which uses tiny, antenna-like nanostructures to tailor light and encode the spectral and polarization information of a captured image. They also developed a neural network to decode the images.</p>

Seeing like a butterfly: Optical invention enhances camera capabilities

<p>Seventeen graduate students from Penn State have been awarded research fellowships and six undergraduate students from the commonwealth have been awarded scholarships for 2024 from the Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium.</p>

NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant announces fellowship, scholarship winners for 2024

<p>LionGlass, a new family of glass engineered by researchers at Penn State, has secured its first corporate partner, a move toward bringing the ecofriendly alternative to standard soda lime silicate glass to market.</p>

Ecofriendly glass invented at Penn State secures partner for product development

<p>Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS) staff recently represented Penn State at the annual Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing conference. Held in Rhode Island from July 21-25, the event brought together researchers, industry partners, discipline experts and students in a high-performance computing forum. Attendees from ICDS presented their research abstracts to full rooms and Jeff Nucciarone, ICDS RISE engineer, won the Best Abstract-Student award.</p>

ICDS engineers present, win best abstract award at national conference

<p>Older individuals are at the greatest risk during heat waves, and older women die more often than older men, a new study by researchers at Penn State found. It was not previously known whether this was due to physiological differences or population differences. The study found that older women are at greater risk than older men and that middle-aged women are as vulnerable as older men.</p>

Older women more vulnerable to heat than their male peers, researchers find

<p>Graduate students seeking to improve their research communication and presentation skills are invited to register for an online, faculty-led research communication workshop series. Hosted by the J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School, the series will be offered three times in September and October. </p>

Workshops aim to help graduate students present complex research to the public

<p>Jennifer Crispell, director of alumni relations at the Penn State Smeal College of Business, has announced the addition of six alumni to the college’s Alumni Society Board.</p>

Penn State Smeal adds six members to Alumni Society Board

<p>As part of our regular “We Are!” feature, we recognize 21 Penn Staters who have gone above and beyond what’s asked of them in their work at the University.  </p>

Sending a 'We Are!' to these Penn Staters — Aug. 27

STEM Libraries announce fall 2024 events for graduate, undergraduate students

<p>Seventeen students pursuing doctoral degrees took part in the immersive and interdisciplinary International Geobiology Course that explores how microbial life and the Earth have shaped each other. Students conducted research in central Italy and New York’s Fayetteville Green Lake before traveling to Penn State to use the University’s extensive R1-ranked research lab facilities to analyze their findings.</p>

Grad students hone field, lab geobiology skills in global course

<p>At the 2024 Welcome Engagement Fair hosted by the J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School in collaboration with the Paul Robeson Cultural Center, new and returning graduate students can learn about the network of support and community resources available to help them excel as graduate students. </p>

Graduate Students invited to Aug. 28 Welcome Engagement Fair

<p>Women with opioid use disorders face structural barriers and stigma that may keep them from engaging with traditional harm reduction practices that could reduce opioid overdoses, especially when tailored to meet women's needs, according to a new study by research from Penn State.</p>

Harm reduction education, tools access may help women prevent opioid overdose

Eberly College of Science announces fall networking reception and career fair

<p>Several faculty members and graduate students associated with Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences recently received awards at the 70th annual North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference in Wooster, Ohio.</p>

College of Ag Sciences faculty, students lauded at annual national conference

<p>Mahsa Bahrami, a doctoral student in Penn State’s Department of Geography, has been awarded a NASA Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology grant to fund her research on meltwater lakes at the surface of the Antarctic ice sheet. </p>

Geography student secures $150K NASA grant for ice sheet meltwater research

<p>Donna Palumbo-Miele has been named the new executive director of the Center for Supply Chain Research at the Penn State Smeal College of Business.</p>

Penn State Smeal names new director of Center for Supply Chain Research

<p>Holli Turner, a doctoral candidate in the Penn State Department of Art History, participated in July in the Center for Curatorial Leadership Seminar sponsored by the Mellon Foundation.</p>

Art history doctoral candidate participates in Mellon Foundation seminar

<p>Sanjana Mendu and Sahiti Kunchay, recent graduates of the College of IST's doctoral program, have joined Ivy League medical schools as postdoctoral researchers. </p>

IST alumni accept postdoctoral appointments at Harvard and Yale medical schools

<p>Makerspace Memberships at OriginLabs are now available at no cost to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at University Park. To register for a free student Makerspace Membership, visit the OriginLabs website and fill out the Free Student Membership registration form.</p>

OriginLabs now offers free makerspace memberships to University Park students

<p>A type of drug developed for treating cancer holds promise as a new treatment for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, according to a recent study by researchers at Penn State, Stanford University and an international team of collaborators.</p>

Cancer drug could treat early-stage Alzheimer’s disease, study shows

<p>The J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School has opened applications and nominations for its annual student and faculty recognition awards. Nominations for the 11 student awards and three faculty awards are due by Sept. 27.   </p>

Nominations open for graduate student and faculty recognition awards

<p>A bottle of water sampled from a lake or river can reveal what fish, amphibians insects and bacteria are present, thanks to environmental DNA, the genetic material shed by organisms. This way of measuring transforms scientists’ ability to determine the extent of aquatic life in various water bodies, according to a team led by Daniel Allen, assistant professor of aquatic ecology in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences.</p>

$1.95M NSF grant to fund novel study of environmental DNA fate in streams

<p>Honey bees may play a role in increasing virus levels in wild bumble bees each spring, according to researchers at Penn State who analyzed seasonal trends of parasite and virus transmission in bees. </p>

Honey bees may play key role in spreading viruses to wild bumble bees

<p>Honey bees may play a role in increasing virus levels in wild bumble bees each spring, according to researchers at Penn State who analyzed seasonal trends of parasite and virus transmission in bees. </p>

Honey bees may play role in spreading viruses to wild bumble bees

<p>During the week of July 29 through Aug. 2, the collaborative Penn State World Campus and College of Education Doctor of Education program’s students were welcomed to the University Park campus for a week to not only meet and interact with their D.Ed. peers but be immersed in the one-of-a-kind Penn State experience.</p>

First cohort of World Campus D.Ed. program welcomed to campus for summer summit

<p>Six teams of Penn State student startup founders recently wrapped up what turned out to be an impactful summer for their businesses. </p>

Student startups showcase progress at Summer Founders Demo Day

Updates from Graduate Student Funding Model Task Force

Penn State students awarded USDA pre-doctoral fellowships for research

<p>Penn State Global and Penn State Great Valley will co-host the first-ever Global Careers Institute at the Great Valley campus, Sept. 27 and 28. This event, intended for graduate students, is a professional development program designed to help the University's international and domestic students prepare for career success in the global marketplace.</p>

Global Careers Institute to be held at Great Valley, focus on graduate students

<p>Nicolás Verdejo, a Penn State architecture doctoral student in the College of Arts and Architecture’s Stuckeman School, was recognized by the Graham Foundation as one of six honorees of a 2024 Carter Manny Writing Citation. The Carter Manny Award program is the only pre-doctoral award dedicated exclusively to architectural scholarship and honors emerging international scholars whose work promises to challenge and reshape contemporary discourse and impact the field at large</p>

Architecture graduate student recognized with Carter Manny Writing Citation

<p>Megan Pietruszewski Norman, a doctoral student in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, was awarded a grant to study how the threat of Lyme disease is communicated in environments not typically associated with a high risk of contracting tick-borne illnesses — urban areas.</p>

Doctoral student to study Lyme disease communication in urban areas

<p>Twelve Army sergeants major received their master’s degrees in education during the summer commencement through a fellowship program with the U.S. Army and Penn State World Campus. </p>

Twelve soldiers graduate with master’s degrees through Army partnership

<p>Early life exposure to "forever chemicals" in the environment permanently disrupts the gut microbiome in mice, contributing to the development of metabolic disease in later life, according to a new study led by Penn State researchers. The results suggest that human exposure to these chemicals during early childhood may be contributing to the recent epidemic of metabolic disorders, including obesity and Type 2 diabetes among adults.</p>

Early life exposure to common chemical permanently disrupts gut microbiome

<p>Adolescents were more likely to have consumed alcohol or tried marijuana by age 15 if they had later bedtimes and slept fewer hours during the night during childhood and adolescence, according to a new study led by a team from Penn State.</p>

Less sleep and later bedtime in childhood linked to future substance use

<p>A new study has rewritten the conventionally understood evolutionary history of certain proteins critical for electrical signaling in the nervous system. The study, led by Penn State researchers, appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.</p>

Rewriting the evolutionary history of critical components of the nervous system

<p>Julianna Simon, associate professor of acoustics and of biomedical engineering, has been named interim director of the Penn State Graduate Program in Acoustics. In a Q&amp;A, Simon shares her perspectives on the field of acoustics, the direction and goals for the program, and Simon’s own professional background and research. </p>

Julianna Simon named interim director of Graduate Program in Acoustics